A Portfolio



Pink Cosmos Flower Watercolor

I am an Executive Assistant turned Canva Coach after I fell in love with ​Canva as a design tool. But first I detoured offering my services as a ​creative designer using this beloved business tool.

I help my clients stay visually visible on social media and within their ​business by helping them to “Canva better”. They maintain brand ​consistency across all platforms as well as with their business ​documentation.

Helping you design better in Canva is what REALLY lights me up and if ​you're stuck on a design or a feature in Canva, I help you get back on track ​with Canva on the version you are most comfortable with.

My clients are pretty amazing with their recommendations and their ​praise with my knowledge of Canva insofar as to refer to me as The Canva ​Queen.

Canva Coaching

Canva Coaching

Canva Coaching

Canva Coaching

More recommendations can be viewed on my LinkedIn ​Profile with this easy link

Design Services

Client Brief

Create Facebook and Instagram ​graphics for a local pet-sitting and ​-grooming business.

The client has gone on and started ​creating her own visuals for social ​media after spending time with me ​on a 1:1 Canva coaching call.

Design Services

Client Brief

Create a range of graphics for an ​upcoming 5-day workshop - ​consisting of social media designs, ​Books, mailer header, social media ​cover images, etc.

Design Services

Client Brief

Create a poster for a ​photographic competition.

The client has taken to designing ​her own visuals for social media ​with a bit of direction from me.

I should just add that she keeps ​coming back for more direction all ​of the time, even referring her ​network to me for assistance.

Design Services

Client Brief

Create a banner for LinkedIn and ​cover photos for personal and ​business Facebook pages.

A series of workbooks (X5) ​for a coach - all with an ​aerial beach view theme.

A free download ​designed for a coach

Showing up confidently and creatively anywhere on social media is probably the scariest thing I have ​ever done. As an introvert, I was comfier behind the scenes than having eyes on me. As a business owner, ​I had to get over that very quickly.

Once I knew whom I wanted to work with and how I wanted to help them, it was easier, but by no means ​a walk in the park. Many tear-my-hair-out moments were followed by holy-crap-did-I-do-that moments ​that lead to yeah-baby-who’s-the-bomb moments!

Today it is my mission to help online business owners design better & be more confident with 1:1 Canva ​design coaching. Canva is a versatile drag-and-drop design tool that should be the secret weapon in any ​business owner's armoury.

Building confidence is my starting point, empowering and encouraging them to be visually visible to their ​audiences – THAT’S my goal.

And in the process, I am LOVING it! Canva isn’t the love of my (business) life for no reason.

Small wonder I now let my network know: I Canva when you can't!

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